School is almost over and I can't stop planning for the summer! I'm unbearably excited about the prospects of not having homework waiting for me at the end of the day like a storm of mental anguish on the horizon. Blah!
1. Plan a long trip with John and friends 2. Get a new computer set-up 3. Read awesome books 4. Watch a fajillion movies 5. Hunt down new music every week 6. Bicycle 7. Camp camp camp 8. Learn new recipes 9. See more of friends and family 10. Sleep 11. Keep bonsai from dying untimely death 12. Make ice cream 13. Picnics and bbq's 14. Online GIS training :)
First, a song: Memories of Places We've Never Been by The Faunts. Is it the most amazing thing ever? Ummm no. Not really. But, it is 100% likable and relaxing. Sweet n simple beats. Atmospheric and dance-y in the right places. Hits ya like a nerf drum kit. Spicier than straight shoegazer. Vocals are pretty emo but not offensively so. You get the picture.
So one night last week, in the semi-delirious state of near sleep, I was unexpectedly struck with the notion that we as human creatures are born to need. We are not self-sufficient at all. Not even a little bit. In order to survive and thrive we absolutely require outside assistance from people, animals, plants, and the earth. It seems like such a basic concept, but for reasons I have yet to identify, my mind is blown. Maybe because I'm so used to distraction and double-meanings that a simple naked fact seems out of this world. But I guess what it boils down to is my realization that none of us are alone and isolated, and we never will be. Even when we die, we are still connected to this world, this existence, this hugely complex system of inputs and outputs and endless cycles and changes.
And that just seems crazy. Overwhelming. To be part of the biggest, most unfathomable picture is a worthwhile thought to grasp and embrace, even though it's hard to wrap a brain around that. We're just tiny dots, bumping around, hardly thinking about how much we need each other and the ground we're standing on to exist. How can understanding that not change the way you see your place in the universe?
I feel like the notion of the individual is perpetuated so much it's hardwired into our modern brains, but there is so much more than that. I'm not talking about feel-good, love-your-neighbor stuff. I'm just headed toward a different way of seeing, a way that finds truth and cuts through the everyday drama in pursuit of clear-headed comprehension of the actual principles of life. Interdependence, union, cohabitation, fluidity - these are the strings holding us. Isolation is impossible; I was fooled into thinking otherwise. Realizing that everything we see and experience make us who we are, and these components are all different sides of the same breathing entity that has no beginning or end, has opened my eyes, but this is just the beginning of a journey and my thoughts are wildly nascent and uncollected, if you haven't already noticed.
In any case I've learned that bed is the birthplace of mind-benders, so...